Take Care of the Paperwork is a relatively fast-paced tapping management game. I’ve been told it plays similar to Papers, Please. The idea is pretty simplistic as all you have to do is file the paperwork in their proper categories/bins.





As soon as you pull a file out, you’re tasked with certain things you need to do in order to file that paperwork properly. Sign it, stamp it, staple it, fill it out or just file it in the right cabinet. Seems pretty simple at first, until you start running out of time and need to file more than 100 papers in labeled bins.

Grab it on steam at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/882290/Take_Care_of_the_Paperwork/

You can download it for android here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.qberty.tcotp